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Some SEO considerations to keep in mind while develop the websites

However, here are some SEO considerations to keep in mind:


When it comes to the code used to create key aspects of your website's design, code designers have a few options. Most people stick to HTML and CSS for good reason.

  1. Site Architecture

The impact your designer has on your website's architecture depends on how involved you (or your SEO) are in the process, but it is important to your website's ranking.

  1. URL Organization

Each of your pages should have a meaningful URL that describes the content of the page. Words must be separated by a hyphen (not an underscore) and some relevant keywords may be used.

  1. Mobile Friendly

More and more Internet users are browsing websites on smartphones and other mobile devices, and your website should be accessible to everyone. Not only will this improve the user experience, but it will increase your chances of ranking higher as Google considers mobile compatibility a ranking factor.

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SEO has long been a driving force in UI/UX design. By the last update to the Google algorithm, it was clear that an overall strategy, with all of its elements lined up in a lane, is preferable. You must try your best to get a highly optimized web design. By keeping it user-focused, you can significantly increase traffic, satisfy visitors, and improve customer relationships.

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    April 21, 2022 11:01

    Website development and digiral marketing