Target Fit Ideas

Ewedu (Jute Plant) With Pounded Yam

Ewedu (jute) is the Yoruba name for the leaves of the Jute plant. This vegetable is well consumed in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. It can be bought in the market.

The leaves can be cooked fresh or dried and turned into a powder, when cooked the fresh leaves give a bright green color, but when cooked the dried leaves have an army color and Geotube the dried leaves can also be used as a thickener in stews. Jute is a rich source of beta carotene.


500 g young leaves of ewedu (jute).

1 teaspoon of potash

2 teaspoons of locust bean bread (I talked about making soybean locust bean bread in the previous meal or you can buy ready-made locust bean bread)

spices (2 cubes of knorr chicken, 2 teaspoons of curry and thyme)




2 tablespoons of peanut oil


Half a kilogram of turkey (or other meat of your choice)


Young leaves of ewedu (jute) are stripped of the stem and washed. Then it is cut on a cutting board or a blender can be used. Pour about 200 ml of water into the pot

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  • Sep 2 2022
  • Under consideration
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